Hello, my name is Robert S.W. Carroll (robswc). I'm a full-stack developer with a focus on backend, based in Austin, Texas.

I'm currently working on creating resources for quantitative trading and developing systems at Shenandoah Research, Polyad Decision Sciences and (previously) Synctivate. I enjoy all things computer science and hope to eventually push the boundaries within the field.

Fun Stats and Open Source

In the last year on GitHub, I've made 0 contributions across 0projects.

My most used language is followed by and .

I've starred 0 repositories and follow 0 other developers.

all of these stats were pulled via API, using Octokit!
This site is a work in progress! I'll be adding to it frequently!

This site was made with the following tools/languages

... which is totally overkill ... but also fun!Read more about how I made it!